Jan Blok (B)

1WitTeus Boere (C)114444
2ZwartLeen Boonstra (B)00,3335719
3Abs with msg0,55427
4ZwartWim Mulder (A) ½0,6676644
5Abs with msg0,55427
6Abs with msg0,55427
7WitHans Verduijn (C)½0,6674631
8ZwartCrelis Molenaar (A) ½0,6675939
9Manual Bye0,6675436
10WitFrank vd Pavoordt (A)00,3338428
11ZwartAad vd Berg (C)½0,6675033
12WitAad vd Meer (B)½0,6674933
13ZwartMarnix Kasbergen (A)00,3336321
14Abs with msg0,55427
15Manual Bye0,6675436
16WitLeen Boonstra (B)00,3335719
17WitSjaak in 't Veld (B)115353
18ZwartNanne Uitenbroek (C)114747
19ZwartHans Verduijn (C)½0,6674631
20WitTeus Boere (C)114444
21Manual Bye0,6675436
22WitNeal Twigt (B)½0,6675235
23ZwartPeter Vink (C)113536
24Abs with msg0,55427
25Abs with msg0,55427

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